Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jack's Goodnight Prayer

Thank you God for (a bunch of nice things like people he knows, his day, etc.)....
and thank you for guns (mom - guns?) yes, guns, like bang bang (with finger pointing at me).... and people, thank you for people. Amen.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Our day at the zoo

We basically spent the day either in the car or at Como Zoo. First in the afternoon with Gretta, Megan and Christina, then came back with Heather and Madeline for Boo at the Zoo this evening. Very fun day, lotsa laughs. Happy Halloween!!

Our day at the zoo continued

Jack got the chance to see the entire Star Wars Crew in full costume and get his picture taken with Darth Vader or Darth Mal, but it was a bit too life like for him. Our little Vader was a little nervous at how big Darth Vader was. I almost got my picture taken with them since it's such a drastic part of our life, you know, to document for the future, but thought it might be a bit strange without Jack Vader Dailey. Not to mention there weren't any other kids brave enough to take on the force. They really did look like the real thing. It was pretty hilarious how Jack had the chance to see his mighty heroes, but it turned out he's all talk about taken on Vader if he ever sees him. Who knew? :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

We had a great time with Grandpa and Nana while they were here. We drove up to Lake Superior and saw amazing fall colors. Jack loved swimming at the water park, throwing rocks into the Lake, hunting squirrels with his new bow and arrow, and eating pre-birthday cake complete with Nana's blue frosting. Eli is ever amazed at his big brother's antics.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

Tag from Heather

4 things I was doing 10 years ago...
Studying Elementary Ed at Northwestern College
Quitting Cross Country - a VERY hard thing to do!
Living in NE Minneapolis on Lowry Ave. - very entertaining (both my roommates & the neighborhood)
Working at ACR

4 things on my to do list for today...
Price shrubs at Malmbergs
Read Library Books to Jack
Eat John's super yummy bacon/alfredo/spinach grilled pizza
Maybe? balance the checkbook and do laundry - come on, it's Friday!

4 things I love about my husband...
He's a hottie
He kills bugs for me
He can always make me laugh
He LOVES his family

4 jobs I have had...
Movie House Candy/Popcorn Girl
Jewelry Counter Girl at Target
Cashier at Walgreens
Homeschool Teacher

4 places I have lived...
Laurel, MT
Billings, MT
Wroclaw, Poland
Mpls, MN

4 places I want to visit...
New York City
San Jose, CA

4 (or 5-6) things you may not know about me...
I wish I lived overseas (Europe or India)
I'm now terrified of bees
I want to own a Corolla or Subara Outback
I wish I had a piano so my kids could dance to crazy loud music
I have terrible gas lately
I like to eat my child's leftovers from his plate

Now it's Sara's turn.

Brother Funnies

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

For My Sister

here's the boys, Sara.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Laughing Brothers

Trip to the Mpls Firefighters Museum
Nuf said

Hiking on the trail in Afton. Jack took good care of tiger, who also had a blast collecting acorns, rocks, and leaves.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sleep stealer baby boy!

This is the sweetest sleep stealer ever!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sweet moments of joy

My house is COMPLETELY still and quiet. Not a usual thing with an energetic 4 year old, mixed with sheltie dog, and 4 month old baby. My heart and mind are equally as still and quiet as my home. You see, I just encountered the rare opportunity (and first, I might add) of singing both my boys to sleep. I softly sang to them as I rubbed Jack's back and rocked Eli back and forth. I sang of how much Jesus loves them, of how much I love the Lord, and for sweet twinkling dreams for them both. Tears lay on my cheeks as the fan blew them cool on this warm summer night. I may never have a moment like this again, so synchronized and perfect. I will cherish it always as the Lord showed me how rich and full my life is with my family. I love them deeply. The Lord's grace gave me patience instead of haste this evening. As Jack and I shared in giving Eli his first taste of baby cereal (in hopes he will sleep longer:) and then savored our bedtime ritual of stories, prayer and the occasional song. Thank you, Lord for this precious night and may I not be quick to forget. Good Night.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Jack is introducing Eli to Star Wars these days. John got surround sound for his b-day, so Star Wars is even more exciting to everyone now. Jack also asked if God said "Let there be Star Wars" today. I told him that George Lucas actually did and that really seemed to confuse his theology!
Eli continues to live up to these jammies. How much Starbucks does one have to drink to hide the dark yellow circles forming around one's eyes? (not that this is happening to me-I'm not 30 yet:)
Aunt Sara is entertaining the two babies with Itsy Bitsy Spider while we clean up a ton of spitup from the floor (actually, thanks Trixie the dog for licking it up-gross!), Mark cuts his foot on a rusty nail, dinner is being cooked, eaten, and cleaned up, and now I forget what else was happening all at the same time. The babies were a little overwhelmed and needed song time to calm down-don't we all!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Little Brother's Perspective

Fun at the Racetrack

Sugar is best(?) for this #4 four year old racefan.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Politics (dare I)

The coffee is starting to wear off, but I was thinking about this while in the shower...does this country REALLY want change, or more of the same. Because I think the republican and democratic parties are really just getting voted in by mere popularity (money and knowing their name) vs. honest politics. Here's a vent (don't take as literal b/c it's just an idea)...
What if everyone voted like they actually WANTED to, not how they thought they should b/c they want their vote to count for someone who might stand a chance of getting into Washington. I mean, wouldn't we see A LOT more write-ins that way, or votes for nonpopular partes? Then, who knows, the race would be much more interesting and less predictable. I think guys like Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, heck, even Ross Perot, might make this place a bit more interesting if we just gave them a chance. I think they could implement some radical things that would get people's attention and might even actually do some good.

I don't think America is REALLY ready for change...they just want a different person in the White House who'll do more of the same. It sucks that we have to vote in this aristocratic society that only gives us options with the most money so we can make our vote "count." Does it "count" if you're voting for someone who you don't think will actually make a difference, but who seems like your only option b/c nobody else will write in or vote for someone who might actually make some changes in Washington? Are we all still in highschool, voting on what or who is popular vs. our personal convictions (and not the convictions our political party tells us are important)?

I dare to wonder what an honest, "poor," non-showy person might do as president. But how do we keep said person from becoming more of the same? I just answered my own question by realizing my Savior will one day be the One that every knee will bow and confess He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Thank you, Jesus, for reminding me You are in control, and not Capitol Hill. Praise the Lord, oh my Soul.

Green Tea Frappes

In an effort to join Jenny's Foody Friday (by the way, Jenny, are you going to do this every Friday b/c I'd love to get great recipes from people this way) here's a very yummy and refreshing creamy drink...

Green Tea Frappes
3 individual green tea bags
1 cup boiling water
1.5 cups ice cubes
3/4 cup fat-free sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup skim milk

Steep the tea in the boiled water and let stand 15 minutes
Then, pour the steeped tea into a blender along with all other ingredients.
Blend away until smooth.
Makes 4, 3/4 cup servings

Note: these are pretty sweet, so you can adjust by using less sweetened condensed milk if so desired.

Also, I LOVE lime drinks or foods in the summer, so if anyone has any great recipes they could pass along, that'd be great. ALSO, if anyone has a drink that combines lime and coffee or lime, coffee and vodka, please let me know. You'd be a rockstar namely b/c it'd be combining all my favorite drinks and plus I don't think it's possible to do while maintaining a pleasant taste...

Tag from Tiff

Tiff "tagged" me with this, but her answers are going to be hard to follow. She's good...

I am…a mountain lovin montanan turned city lovin minnesotan
I want…a yogo sapphire ring
I wish...I could live in India
I hate…how critical I can be
I miss…my husband
I fear…something nasty happening to my kids
I feel…happy and peaceful
I hear…a beeping sound
I smell…nothing
I crave…coffee - everyday, all day
I search…my heart
I wonder... if I'll ever go overseas again
I regret…not going to Prague
I love…our new lawn
I care…about the persecuted
I ache…for those who lose their children
I always...wanted to be a teacher
I believe…I still can be
I dance…to Elvis
I my kids
I cry…during that commercial when the dad brings home a dog and the mom says, you said we couldn't get a dog until we got a house...
I don’t always... follow through with my intentions
I fight…my son with light sabers
I write…emails
I never…say never
I listen…to Chris Leadoux really loud
I need…to hug my husband
I am be a "boy" mom

I tag John and Megan

Cowboy Country

Howdy! Our little cowboys in Big Sky Country.

The Yellowstone River is just swelling - you should see how fast it's moving and the rapids that are forming. You could kayak this happily. The river is level with the road and looks like it could spill over any minute. I haven't seen the river like this in years, and there's still plenty of snow on the mountains for runoff.

Hey Daddy

Giggle box baby - Nana is so funny! You can still watch Star Wars in MT...

We're having a blast in MT, but we miss you!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Chillin by the pool

What a great day for swimming! Jack cooled off in the water and did an awesome job holding his breath under water. Eli chilled in the shade and mom and dad are proud of their two boys!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We finally got the chance to meet baby Maya in Madison! We definitely had to fight to get there, since I-90 was closed at the Dells and we took a 3 hour detour to get to her - but we made it! The boys did a remarkable job in the car, by the way - even better than mom and dad. I'm a very proud aunt of our sweet beautiful niece. Eli and Jack were equally excited to meet their new cousin!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Our new backyard!

Can you believe it? A garden and lawn! We're like completely new people! I can't wait to roll in the grass, it's beautiful. Also, plants are actually starting to grow in the garden! It's a blessed day at the Dailey house!