Jack is introducing Eli to Star Wars these days. John got surround sound for his b-day, so Star Wars is even more exciting to everyone now. Jack also asked if God said "Let there be Star Wars" today. I told him that George Lucas actually did and that really seemed to confuse his theology!

Eli continues to live up to these jammies. How much Starbucks does one have to drink to hide the dark yellow circles forming around one's eyes? (not that this is happening to me-I'm not 30 yet:)

Aunt Sara is entertaining the two babies with Itsy Bitsy Spider while we clean up a ton of spitup from the floor (actually, thanks Trixie the dog for licking it up-gross!), Mark cuts his foot on a rusty nail, dinner is being cooked, eaten, and cleaned up, and now I forget what else was happening all at the same time. The babies were a little overwhelmed and needed song time to calm down-don't we all!
1 comment:
Hmmmmm...maybe the Starbucks is keeping Eli up! Ha! We sure miss those 2 boys and perhaps even watching Starwars w/ Jack. (it's not about Starwars, of course!)
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