Sunday, September 28, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

Tag from Heather

4 things I was doing 10 years ago...
Studying Elementary Ed at Northwestern College
Quitting Cross Country - a VERY hard thing to do!
Living in NE Minneapolis on Lowry Ave. - very entertaining (both my roommates & the neighborhood)
Working at ACR

4 things on my to do list for today...
Price shrubs at Malmbergs
Read Library Books to Jack
Eat John's super yummy bacon/alfredo/spinach grilled pizza
Maybe? balance the checkbook and do laundry - come on, it's Friday!

4 things I love about my husband...
He's a hottie
He kills bugs for me
He can always make me laugh
He LOVES his family

4 jobs I have had...
Movie House Candy/Popcorn Girl
Jewelry Counter Girl at Target
Cashier at Walgreens
Homeschool Teacher

4 places I have lived...
Laurel, MT
Billings, MT
Wroclaw, Poland
Mpls, MN

4 places I want to visit...
New York City
San Jose, CA

4 (or 5-6) things you may not know about me...
I wish I lived overseas (Europe or India)
I'm now terrified of bees
I want to own a Corolla or Subara Outback
I wish I had a piano so my kids could dance to crazy loud music
I have terrible gas lately
I like to eat my child's leftovers from his plate

Now it's Sara's turn.

Brother Funnies

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

For My Sister

here's the boys, Sara.