Friday, June 27, 2008

Tag from Tiff

Tiff "tagged" me with this, but her answers are going to be hard to follow. She's good...

I am…a mountain lovin montanan turned city lovin minnesotan
I want…a yogo sapphire ring
I wish...I could live in India
I hate…how critical I can be
I miss…my husband
I fear…something nasty happening to my kids
I feel…happy and peaceful
I hear…a beeping sound
I smell…nothing
I crave…coffee - everyday, all day
I search…my heart
I wonder... if I'll ever go overseas again
I regret…not going to Prague
I love…our new lawn
I care…about the persecuted
I ache…for those who lose their children
I always...wanted to be a teacher
I believe…I still can be
I dance…to Elvis
I my kids
I cry…during that commercial when the dad brings home a dog and the mom says, you said we couldn't get a dog until we got a house...
I don’t always... follow through with my intentions
I fight…my son with light sabers
I write…emails
I never…say never
I listen…to Chris Leadoux really loud
I need…to hug my husband
I am be a "boy" mom

I tag John and Megan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am…great dad.
I want…my family to feel loved.
I wish...I could do more with less.
I hate…injustice.
I miss…my family
I fear…losing my head.
I feel…hopeful and anxious.
I hear…a birds chirping.
I smell…fresh paint.
I crave…donuts.
I search…for words not said.
I wonder... what the future brings.
I regret…my selfish acts.
I love…my wife/best friend.
I care…about those who are hurting.
I ache…for those who lose their children
I always...tell my family I love them.
I believe…Jesus is comming soon.
I dance…to "move it, move it."
I the car.
I cry…everytime my wife reveals her heart to me.
I don’t always... listen.
I fight…to become less of a selfish person.
I write…not as often as I should.
I never…stay consistent.
I listen…great music
I need…to hug my wife
I am be blessed with such a great family.