Jack got the chance to see the entire Star Wars Crew in full costume and get his picture taken with Darth Vader or Darth Mal, but it was a bit too life like for him. Our little Vader was a little nervous at how big Darth Vader was. I almost got my picture taken with them since it's such a drastic part of our life, you know, to document for the future, but thought it might be a bit strange without Jack Vader Dailey. Not to mention there weren't any other kids brave enough to take on the force. They really did look like the real thing. It was pretty hilarious how Jack had the chance to see his mighty heroes, but it turned out he's all talk about taken on Vader if he ever sees him. Who knew? :)
Madeline looks like Cinderella on that pumpkin! Also, I'm pretty sure if I met my arch nemesis' the teletubbies I would still be all talk and not actually able to take em out. ya know? It's tough. Jack did a good job.
Darth Vader is one scarey dude and I say it is very wise to stand back a ways from that guy!I think Jack Vader Dailey is way cuter! Besides, I get to kiss him and I don't EVER want to kiss Darth Vader! Yuck!
Next time Jack needs to make sure Emily is with him, she'll protect him from Darth Vader with all her fancy light saber moves. She's been practicing.:-) See isn't it times like this that you wish you lived back in Laurel? Just imagine how much fun our Star Wars loving kiddos would have.:-D
Family: John, Jack and Eli
Note: Being the only girl has its perks and its challenges (like there's no princess to play with in the dragon castle)
All in all: Life is where it takes you, not where you take it - so make the most of it and try to live in the moment
Madeline looks like Cinderella on that pumpkin! Also, I'm pretty sure if I met my arch nemesis' the teletubbies I would still be all talk and not actually able to take em out. ya know? It's tough. Jack did a good job.
Darth Vader is one scarey dude and I say it is very wise to stand back a ways from that guy!I think Jack Vader Dailey is way cuter! Besides, I get to kiss him and I don't EVER want to kiss Darth Vader! Yuck!
Next time Jack needs to make sure Emily is with him, she'll protect him from Darth Vader with all her fancy light saber moves. She's been practicing.:-) See isn't it times like this that you wish you lived back in Laurel? Just imagine how much fun our Star Wars loving kiddos would have.:-D
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