Friday, November 6, 2009
Is this bad?
So, I admit, we gave back our dog yesterday. That's not the worst part. We didn't say anything to Jack because we didn't want it to be hard for him while at school. BUT, he still hasn't either noticed or just not said anything about Maisy's absence. AND, we still haven't mentioned anything to him about her being gone. The sick and twisted part of me wants to wait to see how long it takes before he says anything, but what if it's days or even weeks, do we just say, oh ya, we got rid of her weeks ago? Crazy. I suppose if he doesn't mention anything for that long he probably won't, until he sees a picture or someone says something. Then I am hosed. Seriously and totally hosed.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Maya and Aunt Erin
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Taking things for granted
I take way too many things for granted. My family. Our health. Safety. Having life. Tonight I prayed with Jack that we wouldn't take God and His love for granted and Jack asked me what "granted" meant. I told him I'd have to get back to him at breakfast. May I never forget the chance at life and salvation that the Lord Jesus has given me. I need Him so much. It's not a matter of how good I am or how perfect I try to be. He gave it all up because of love. What have I done for love lately?
Monday, April 20, 2009
Boy mom confessions
I should be cleaning the bathroom right now, but here's a confession about being a boy mom. I recently bought Eli a hot pink play kitchen with flowers and butterflies all over it. The boys love it. Jack wanted me to paint his toe nails last night. One foot is sparkly gold and the other dark purple. At least we could pass him off as a Vikings fan (maybe NWC Eagles instead). So there I was blowing on my son's toes last night after his bath talking about what manly color to paint his fingernails. John was totally fine with it. I think I'll get them a tea set next!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Just when I think I'm moving to Antarctica with Jeneva

Jeneva Dykstra in all her 5 years of wisdom has a great plan to move to Antarctica. It does involve a lot of walking, but nevertheless, I think it's almost failproof and could quite possibly get the job done. So fearless Jeneva, put on your boots because we're going walking in the morning.
I was definitely ready for some new scenery today when Jack kept running around the house like a wild banchee, getting louder by the hour and losing momentum on all his practice of answering "yes, mom?" when I say his name. Thus, moving to Antarctica with Jeneva would seem like a likely solution. Then, the kid knocked my socks off with his 5 year old wisdom tonight at bedtime. While "reading" his Veggie Tales dictionary (don't ask how that's a bedtime story, but it is somehow, so we roll with it) I would ask him for definitions of random words. It turns out he's quite good at defining words. When I said "Bible" he immediately said "God's words." MAN ALIVE, the kid IS listening and not only that, retaining accurate information about one of the most important parts of Christian theology and our faith. And his prayer also put me back in my place: Dear God, I love you. Please hold us tight while we are in your sight. (although he was a little prideful on his rhyming skills :).
So, sweet Jeneva, I guess we'll both probably still be here tomorrow morning and we'll talk Friday about a girls day out, ok? :) Love you!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
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