Thursday, July 16, 2009

Taking things for granted

I take way too many things for granted. My family. Our health. Safety. Having life. Tonight I prayed with Jack that we wouldn't take God and His love for granted and Jack asked me what "granted" meant. I told him I'd have to get back to him at breakfast. May I never forget the chance at life and salvation that the Lord Jesus has given me. I need Him so much. It's not a matter of how good I am or how perfect I try to be. He gave it all up because of love. What have I done for love lately?

1 comment:

Laurie said...

First, I am so happy to see a new post on your blog! I always love reading them because you usually write about stuff we don't talk about on the phone or on a webcam.
Your question seems to not desire an answer from those of us who read; it seems to be a question that you are reflecting upon. If I am wrong, I can think of many, many things you have done for love recently. But I will just take time to think about this myself. A couple of weeks ago, Gary Drake shared a message at GBC on Psalm 46, in which he gave his own definition of Selah as "stop and think about this". So, your question beckons us all to "Selah". Thank you, Erin!