Friday, May 30, 2008

A quiet morning

Both of my children are swinging right now. One outside in our ever evolving backyard, and the other in his fishy baby swing. Why am I not engaging my children at the moment, easy - they are quite happy and a quiet moment is hard to come by! :) It is a quiet, wet, very midwest morning and I am looking out at our newly planted garden - that's right - we are gardeners now. We'll see if we manage any fruit from our labor, lest the birds and squirrels eat all our seeds. We're quite excited to see what will happen with our two boxes of dirt!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Wow! You are ahead of us! Our plants are sitting by the back door waiting to go in the ground, but we have to pull weeds and get out the cat poop. Que Sera! Perhaps I will work on it today, since it is absolutely beautiful out. It's either that or clean out closets for the rescue mission! Give Jack and Eli hugs and kisses for me and tell them I love them!