Friday, May 30, 2008

A quiet morning

Both of my children are swinging right now. One outside in our ever evolving backyard, and the other in his fishy baby swing. Why am I not engaging my children at the moment, easy - they are quite happy and a quiet moment is hard to come by! :) It is a quiet, wet, very midwest morning and I am looking out at our newly planted garden - that's right - we are gardeners now. We'll see if we manage any fruit from our labor, lest the birds and squirrels eat all our seeds. We're quite excited to see what will happen with our two boxes of dirt!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My dad, John, and I on our last backpacking trip in Montana. Oh, how I love the mountains! We saw some amazing scenery and I can't wait to plan our next trip out!

Definitely my favorite Jack quote thus far:
We were driving to church one Sunday when Jack asked me if Jesus took away his sins. I said Yes, when He died on the cross. Jack said, "I want my sins back." While trying to hold back my laughter I responded, "Don't worry, you still have them, you're just forgiven!"
Gotta love what kids want that's rightfully theirs!

Me with my 2 boys and loving it! Eli is a wonderful baby and Jack is a super big brother. We couldn't be happier!

Star Wars is Jack's main love right now. His favorite part about Star Wars is fighting and trying to jump over heads :).

Jack's quote today:
I know there aren't monsters down here (the basement) because God is always with me, right mom?

Monday, May 26, 2008

Love that beautiful smile!